As a reference and endorsement, Saint Padre Pio of Peitrelcina told French visitors “Why do you come to see me when you have such a great, saintly priest in France, Père Pel?”). Père Pel, a devout Roman Catholic priest and mystic spent many nights inside the parish church resting his head on the tabernacle in ecstasy and in conversation and prayer to Jesus Christ. He died from a car crash after he visited Garabandal. Yet, in 1945, a seminarian and confident of Père Pel recorded the following prophecy which ties right into the Chastisement forewarned by L’abbe Souffrant, Marie-Julie Jahenny, Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa of Akita and the visionaries of Garabandal to name a few.
“My son, said Père Pel, know that with sins of the world increasing in horror as this age wears on, know that great punishment will come down on all the world and no continent will be spared by the wrath of God. Without the support of King David's divine power, the Church falls into decadence under the spirit of the Serpent, who raises his swollen head of hypocrisy on the head of the Church. The republics have the misfortune to free the spirits of the land with the spirit of the Serpents, who sacrifice the people of God, preventing them from being raised to the God of heaven. It is the evil of Europe today. France being guilty of apostasy and denying its vocation will be severely chastised. East of a line stretching from Bordeaux in the southwest to Lille in the northeast; everything will be laid waste and be set on fire by peoples invading from the east and also by great flaming meteorites falling upon all the earth and upon these regions especially. Revolution, war, epidemic, plagues, chemical poison gases and violent earthquakes and the reawakening of France’s extinct volcanos will destroy everything: Auvergne, Alps, Pyrenees, and other places. But to the west of that line will be less effected because of the faith rooted in the Vendee and Brittany; nevertheless it will move away much of the sides, sometimes as much as 50 kilometers to escape their sinking into the sea, yet Marseilles, Provins, Orleans and the Cote de Azur, because because of their the sins and scandals committed on the beaches and throughout these regions in particular will fall into the sea. Paris will be destroyed by the revolution and burned by the Russians. But any of God’s worst enemies seeking refuge there from the worldwide cataclysm will be found out wherever they hide and put to death by devils because the wrath of the Lord is just and holy. Think not this all caused by the war. The Earth will receive big shocks that will prevent it from turning back on itself. Seasons will exist more than three years before the Earth restores grass and vegetation. Gigantic fires and fragments of burning stars falling for three days and nights will cause the sun to disappear and only candles blest on Candlemas, February 2nd, will give light in the hands of believers. but the godless will not see this miraculous light because they have darkness in their souls. It will be the voice of sin that will terrify men that first. this way, my son, three quarters of mankind will be destroyed and in certain parts of France, survivors will have to go sixty miles to find another living human being. Several nations will disappear off the face of the map. A France thus purified will become the renewed, eldest daughter of the Church because all the kings and Judases will have disappeared in this judgement upon the nations. This judgement is not yet the end of times, but so great is the punishment due to the sins of the nations that our Lord told Père Pel that the desolation of world’s end will be lesser. Let each of us strive with might and main and with the help of the true Catholic Sacraments given to us by God for that purpose to live in God’s Grace and not in a state of sin and let us make full use the time He gives us between now and the hour of His Justice to pray for the largest possible number of sinners to repent and save their souls for eternity when the chastisements closes inMy son, said Père Pel, know that with sins of the world increasing in horror as this age wears on, know that great punishment will come down on all the world and no continent will be spared by the wrath of God. Without the support of King David's divine power, the Church falls into decadence under the spirit of the Serpent, who raises his swollen head of hypocrisy on the head of the Church. The republics have the misfortune to free the spirits of the land with the spirit of the Serpents, who sacrifice the people of God, preventing them from being raised to the God of heaven. It is the evil of Europe today. France being guilty of apostasy and denying its vocation will be severely chastised. East of a line stretching from Bordeaux in the southwest to Lille in the northeast; everything will be laid waste and be set on fire by peoples invading from the east and also by great flaming meteorites falling upon all the earth and upon these regions especially. Revolution, war, epidemic, plagues, chemical poison gases and violent earthquakes and the reawakening of France’s extinct volcanos will destroy everything: Auvergne, Alps, Pyrenees, and other places. But to the west of that line will be less effected because of the faith rooted in the Vendee and Brittany; nevertheless it will move away much of the sides, sometimes as much as 50 kilometers to escape their sinking into the sea, yet Marseilles, Provins, Orleans and the Cote de Azur, because because of their the sins and scandals committed on the beaches and throughout these regions in particular will fall into the sea. Paris will be destroyed by the revolution and burned by the Russians. But any of God’s worst enemies seeking refuge there from the worldwide cataclysm will be found out wherever they hide and put to death by devils because the wrath of the Lord is just and holy. Think not this all caused by the war. The Earth will receive big shocks that will prevent it from turning back on itself. Seasons will exist more than three years before the Earth restores grass and vegetation. Gigantic fires and fragments of burning stars falling for three days and nights will cause the sun to disappear and only candles blest on Candlemas, February 2nd, will give light in the hands of believers. but the godless will not see this miraculous light because they have darkness in their souls. It will be the voice of sin that will terrify men that first night. When you see the dreaded hour is near go to Brittainy and retire there, but stay in the center, far from the coast which will collapse. Because this world plague begins with a cold winter night and the roar of God is terrible; the abnormal sound and demon-filled cries will be heard all over the world. It will be the voice of sin that terrified men will hear that night. In this way, my son, three quarters of mankind will be destroyed and in certain parts of France, survivors will have to go sixty miles, even over 100 miles to find another living human being. Several nations will disappear off the face of the map. A France thus purified will become the renewed, eldest daughter of the Church because all the kings and Judases will have disappeared in this judgement upon the nations. This judgement is not yet the end of times, but so great is the punishment due to the sins of the nations that our Lord told Père Pel that the desolation of world’s end will be lesser. Let each of us strive with might and main and with the help of the true Catholic Sacraments given to us by God for that purpose to live in God’s Grace and not in a state of sin and let us make full use the time He gives us between now and the hour of His Justice to pray for the largest possible number of sinners to repent and save their souls for eternity when the chastisements closes in.”