by Nich Fluh

Tormented to death by a heavy persecution
The Church will die a noble death
In the struggle for the Church’s cause
It finds only foes, no friends
Because the Cross weighs heavy from the traitors within
Modern day “Judas” steeped in sin
Snicker with pleasure as Lucifer’s own
Never realizing the eternal harm they have sown
And we, the so-called remnant gaze from outside
As the Enemy scourges the Church cruelly with delight
The remnant can barely stay awake during this night
Could you not watch one hour with me this night?
In fright the remnant then run away
Scared of what becomes of the Church this day
The Church will be judged as Christ once was
By the Luciferian New World Order that despises The Anointed One
It will be crowned with thorns by worldly men
And placed before the mob, the media and even its friends
The collective shout repeats the same old sin
“Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" in unison is said
And so it shall be because it is deemed so
That the Church must suffer Christ’s Passion as He did before
Then return in glory as God wills it so. Amen